This is a small selection of installation views from some of the exhibitions I curated over the last decades.

Displaced Visions: Emigré Photographers of the 20th Century, 2013

Displaced Visions: Emigré Photographers of the 20th Century, 2013

A Rare Gift: The Noel and Harriette Levine Collection of Photographs, 2010

A Rare Gift: The Noel and Harriette Levine Collection of Photographs, 2010

A Rare Gift: The Noel and Harriette Levine Collection of Photographs, 2010

Picturing Jerusalem: James Graham and Mendel Diness, Photographers, 2007

Eugène Atget: As Paris Was, 2012

Eugène Atget: As Paris Was – 2012

Revelation: Representations of Christ in Photography, 2004

Revelation: Representations of Christ in Photography, 2004

Revelation: Representations of Christ in Photography, 2004

Revelation: Representations of Christ in Photography, 2004

New in Photography: Recent Acquisitions, 2012

New in Photography: Recent Acquisitions, 2012

Camera Sacra: Capturing the Soul of Nature, 2005

Engagement: Israeli Photography Now, 2008 (Participating photographers with Israel Museum director James Snyder and curator Dr. Nissan N. Perez)

Engagement: Israeli Photography Now, 2008

Art of Living: Contemporary Photography from Israel, 2006

Out of North Africa: Jewish Life in the Maghreb, 2011

Out of North Africa: Jewish Life in the Maghreb, 2011

Out of North Africa: Jewish Life in the Maghreb, 2011

New Exposures, 2004